1. new 1/2011: I initiated the mini-conference "Visual Analysis of Complex Networks (VACN)" in Dublin, inviting 5 groups of graph visualisation packages (short video of my introduction, 5:42 minutes)
  2. 8/2009: Comparing university organizational units and scientific co-authorship communities, Uwe Obermeier, Michael J. Barber, Andreas Krueger, Hannes Brauckmann, to appear in Innovation in Complex Social Systems, P. Ahrweiler (ed.), Routledge, 2010
  3. 11/2009: Poster and Presentation: Some research images from NEMO WP2 (for the IRU USB stick, and institute presentations in Dublin, and Hamburg)
  4. 10/2009: Generalized Epidemics on Weighted Networks, Ph. Blanchard, S. Delitzscher, A. Krueger, T. Krueger, ZiF Universität Bielefeld Oktober 2009 (presentation on NEMO final workshop conference)
  5. 11/2009: Generalised Epidemic Processes on Networks, Phillipe Blanchard, Sascha Delitzscher, Andreas Krueger, Tyll Krueger, Rainer Siegmund-Schultze, NEMO Deliverable D2.3 (paper about processes on weighted networks, will be published in Delitzscher's dissertation 2010)

  6. 10/2009: Knowledge Transmission Processes with Local Thresholds and Coupling to Mean Field Processes, Philippe Blanchard, Sascha Delitzscher, Andreas Krüger, Tyll Krüger, Rainer Siegmund-Schultze, NEMO Milestone 2.4a (paper about processes on unweighted networks)
  7. 7/2009: A short introduction to the Bielefeld perspective on NEMO
    (mini-presentation during the IRU-day about agent based modelling in NEMO)
  8. 6/2009: The Corruption GEP Simulation Model
    (presentation at CLIQUE quarterly meeting)
  9. 7/2008: The communication index of graphs, Sascha Delitzscher, Andreas Krüger, Tyll Krüger (paper for ITSL conference, Las Vegas; will be published in Delitzscher's dissertation 2010)
  10. 4/2008: “Komplexe Netzwerke / Soziale Netzwerkanalyse”,
    seminar at Faculty of Physics, Uni Bielefeld 4/2008 - 7/2008
    A multidisciplinary seminar with a lot of different perspectives.
    --> poster, concept, homepage
  11. 3/2008: Communication Index
    (presentation at "MadeiraMathEncounters 34")

  12. LOOK HERE 2/2008: PhD-Disputation
    (presentation 6.2.2008 Physik Uni Bielefeld)
    "Structures, processes, and clustering of complex networks"
    (PhD-Thesis: Dissertation in Mathematical Physics, Uni Bielefeld)
  13. 11/2007: GEP and knowledge (Brussels Nov2007)
    GEP and knowledge (Vienna Nov2007)
  14. 11/2007: NEMO D1.1-excerpt "Leitfragen fürs Modellieren"
  15. 12/2006: Short talk introducing the Blanchard-group to students
  16. 10/2006 The role of Uni-Bielefeld within NEMO
    (Vienna 17.10.2006)
  17. 3/2006: The Network of EU-Funded Collaborative R&D Projects,
    M. J. Barber, A. Krueger, T. Krueger, T. Roediger-Schluga,
    Phys. Rev. E 73, 036132 (2006), arXiv:physics/0509119v2
  18. 7/2005: "The epidemics of corruption" (presentation)
    (My very first) conference-talk in Bad Honnef, held again at:
     Austrian Research Center systems research network workshop
  19. 05/2005: The pre-print paper presented above:
    The epidemics of corruption, arxiv:physics/0505031
    Ph. Blanchard, A. Krueger, T. Krueger, P. Martin
    38 pages, 26 figures 
  20. 11/2004: The physics of networks. Analyzing structural properties of the EU-funded R&D projects network by computer simulations (presentation for seminar talk at ARCS in Seibersdorf near Vienna)
  21. 9/2004: small ad-hoc presentation during Exystence in Vienna


2009: new employment as PostDoc at
IRU = Innovation Research Unit, at
CASL Complex and Adaptive Systems Laboratory, at
UCD University College Dublin, Ireland


<< overview of my scientific topics & methods:

<< 12. PhD-Disputation (2/2008)

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